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Animal Success Stories
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We had an uneventful trip home with very little fuss from Achilles. In fact, he was the perfect traveler. It did rain some from about the Illinois/Missouri border, just the other side of Kentucky, to home.

Everyone was excited for Achilles arrival and Ellie danced around on her hind legs for several minutes in excitement. But the 'rock-star' of the group was definitely Achilles who strutted out of his crate as though he had lived here in a former life. We arranged the upstairs bath for him with his belongings and put a baby-gate up at the door way. After a moment or two of exploring his surroundings he cleared the gate and made his introductions.

He and Max have made fast friends, really! He naps in the gents closet upstairs among the the various hunting and fishing gear, (he looks good among those items, wild-ish).